"Having lived as both a man and a woman, I’ve learned that it’s all an act — everyone is performing their gender all the time."
What Dangerous Men Taught Me About Becoming A Woman
"An unknown force propelled me to believe that feigning calmness could save my life."
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From A Symbol Of Athletic Power To A Symbol Of Gender Transition
“In 2015, as in 1976, the public’s relationship with Bruce Jenner’s body will reflect American values. What are those going to be?”
I was a child star in the Philippines. I'm glad no one notices me now
It’s one thing to be amused that a someone used to be a kid with braces; it’s another for their present self to be compared to a body they’re alienated from
Read More in The Guardian
May 25, 2001
“Living as a woman has been extremely enlightening, and I’ve come to know myself much better by doing it. People have been asking me whether this is a temporary or permanent thing. The truth is that I don’t think those distinctions apply in this case. My feelings about my gender haven’t changed. I feel comfortable being either gender, and I think that I am probably going to identify as transgendered indefinitely, regardless of how I may appear to other people.”
Seeing Charles (Not His Real Name)
New York may be vast but it can be tiny sometimes. I'm sitting at a cafe in the East Village and a guy I went to college with is sitting across from me. I even directed him in a play. Charles is a famous screenwriter now, and clearly deep in thought. He doesn't recognize me. I was a man the last time we saw each other.
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