Why can't sex as a woman be as effortless as it was before I transitioned?
For trans women, fear and solace in a private Facebook group
“When Lilith told me she wanted to end her life, the words struck me so much harder than I expected, from someone I only knew on Facebook. ”
What ‘deadnaming’ means, and why you shouldn’t do it to Caitlyn Jenner
“Now that it’s been a few days since Caitlyn Jenner revealed her true name, it’s time to officially retire the one she was assigned at birth—the one she shouldn’t have had to begin with.”
Why Trans Women Care About Caitlyn Jenner’s Pronouns
“Because she only started using female pronouns after her glamorous Vanity Fair reveal, I’m wary of the way Caitlyn Jenner is wielding her power to define acceptable trans womanhood.”
Is it easier to change your gender now than it used to be?
“An intimate conversation between me and my college friend, the noted author Alex Myers, on how the challenges of transition have evolved over the past decade.”
On Bruce Jenner's Pronouns
I published an article in Buzzfeed on April 25, the day after Bruce Jenner’s interview on ABC where the former Olympic champion and reality TV star publicly disclosed as transgender for the first time. In it, I used she and her pronouns to refer to Jenner. It was a deliberate choice I made on short notice, one that I knew I risked criticism for, which ended up being angrier than expected. So I’ve taken the time to reflect, and watch Jenner’s interview again. I’ve come to the conclusion that she and her were valid pronouns for Jenner given the available information at the time. But more importantly, I’m recognizing that the passion over pronouns probably has less to do with Jenner and more to do with the priorities of cisgender people, whether the vast majority of the general public or those in Jenner’s inner circle.
Read MoreBruce Jenner Doesn't Need to Pass To Deserve Respect
“No trans person does.”
Performing in the Vagina Monologues as a Transgender Woman
I played a role in a show about people with vaginas before actually having one myself.