Many progressive cis people have slammed Jenner for her appearance-consciousness even as the society they dominate creates conditions that force Jenner into that position.
Appearance on BBC News Night
I was on BBC New NIght on June 2, 2015 along with Paris Lees to discuss Caitlyn Jenner's Vanity Fair with Evan Davis.
I’m a trans woman. Here’s my rejected New York Times op-ed on Caitlyn Jenner.
“Caitlyn Jenner Isn’t Bad for Women, Transphobia Is Bad for Women”
What ‘deadnaming’ means, and why you shouldn’t do it to Caitlyn Jenner
“Now that it’s been a few days since Caitlyn Jenner revealed her true name, it’s time to officially retire the one she was assigned at birth—the one she shouldn’t have had to begin with.”
Why Trans Women Care About Caitlyn Jenner’s Pronouns
“Because she only started using female pronouns after her glamorous Vanity Fair reveal, I’m wary of the way Caitlyn Jenner is wielding her power to define acceptable trans womanhood.”
Do you applaud Caitlyn Jenner because she is brave, or because she's pretty?
“If we accept Jenner because she fits our understanding of the gender binary, then we’re celebrating not just her transition but her economic privilege”